Karl Philipp JungAge: 53 years1898–1951
- Generation 1
Karl Philipp Jung, koch, was born on January 10, 1898 in Bruchsal and died on June 23, 1951 in Heidelberg at the age of 53.
He married Elsa Feldmann, daughter of Karl Feldmann and Elisabetha Glück, on August 24, 1926 in Bruchsal. She was born on February 22, 1904 in Helmsheim and died on December 29, 1973 in Bruchsal at the age of 69.
Children of Karl Philipp Jung and Elsa Feldmann:
- Ernst Karl Jung (1922–1970)
- Generation 2
Ernst Karl Jung, kfZ Mechaniker, son of Karl Philipp Jung and Elsa Feldmann, was born on December 28, 1922 in Bruchsal and died on September 26, 1970 in Bruchsal at the age of 47.
He married Ingeborg Alice Hampel, daughter of Anna Emma Hedwig Hampel, on June 28, 1947 in Bruchsal. She was born on September 10, 1921 in Oranienburg and died on December 5, 2007 in Bruchsal at the age of 86.
Children of Ernst Karl Jung and Ingeborg Alice Hampel:
- Jürgen Jung (1952–2002)
- Generation 3
Jürgen Jung, son of Ernst Karl Jung and Ingeborg Alice Hampel, was born in 1952 in Bruchsal and died in 2002 in Bruchsal at the age of 50.
Birth | January 10, 1898 Bruchsal |
Religious marriage | Elsa Feldmann — View this family August 24, 1926 (Age 28 years) Bruchsal |
Occupation | Koch |
Death | June 23, 1951 (Age 53 years) Heidelberg |
Religion | ev |