Margarethe Käthe Feldmann

Margarethe Käthe FeldmannAge: 88 years19232011

  • Margarethe Käthe Feldmann
  • Margarethe Käthe Feldmann
  • Margarethe Käthe Feldmann
  • Margarethe Käthe Feldmann
  1. Generation 1
    1. Margarethe Käthe Feldmann, daughter of Hermann Feldmann and Barbara Schneider, was born on August 18, 1923 in Helmsheim and died on October 16, 2011 in Bruchsal at the age of 88.

      She married Erich Heinrich Keim, son of Heinrich Keim and Katharina Specht, on February 16, 1950 in Helmsheim. He was born on July 23, 1923 in Helmsheim and died on March 14, 1981 in Wiesloch at the age of 57.

      Children of Margarethe Käthe Feldmann and Erich Heinrich Keim:

      1. Ursula Maria Keim
      2. Hildegard Keim (19511951)
  2. Generation 2
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. Hildegard Keim, daughter of Erich Heinrich Keim and Margarethe Käthe Feldmann, was born on May 6, 1951 in Bruchsal and died on May 6, 1951 in Bruchsal at the age of 0 days.

  3. Generation 3
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. The details of this family are private.
SourceFriedhof Helmsheim
Citation details: cem=8425 tomb=233
Birth August 18, 1923

Christening September 2, 1923 (Age 15 days)

Godparent: Schwedes Karl, Bahnarbeiter in Heidelsheim und Magdalena geb. Feldmann, Schneider Käthe aus Rheinsheim
Civil marriageErich Heinrich KeimView this family
February 16, 1950 (Age 26 years)

Religion: rk
Death October 16, 2011 (Age 88 years)
